The Office of Admission strives each year to enroll a diverse class of freshmen. We seek to enroll students who are prepared to be successful at the Institute, who possess a variety of talents and strengths, who are committed to becoming contributing members of the community, and who will be stimulated and challenged by doing undergraduate work in a multi-cultural environment.

Students are selected for enrollment on the basis of a holistic review of all application materials; without regard to race, sex, religion, age, color, creed, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation; and without discrimination against veterans. For the present time, only Cambodian citizens are admitted to the Institute.


Information Sessions 

The admission staff offer information sessions and campus tours for prospective students and their families. Each department also offers information sessions. For details, check the website Follow the instructions on how to view the tour and information calendar, login, and register.

Student tour guides conduct walking tours of the campus for visitors Monday through Saturday. Group tours for high schools and other organizations may also be arranged. For more information, call 088 936 2888.

Freshman Admission Requirements

Admission to SIBT is competitive. Each applicant is given individual consideration. In the evaluation process, we consider the rigor of the high school academic performance, standardized test scores, and unique talents. The students offered admission for each academic year must pass the entrance exam, except those who have Grades A and B from their high school national exam.

Student admission policy is clearly defined and it is also written in the Student Internal Regulation Book. In SIBT, any student seeking admission for a Bachelor degree program needs to pass Grade 12 or its equivalent academic level, and take the Institute’s entrance exams. Any student who intends to register for an associate-degree program shall have a high school certificate or a letter that confirms failure in high school national exam (This criterion is only for the students who failed high school exam).  

Applications are not reviewed until all materials are received by the Office of Admission. These materials include:

· A completed Application Form

· Application fee of 10,000 Riels

· Official high school diploma/certificate or equivalentdocuments

· Official high school transcript (with Grade)

· Certificate that certifies a student’s failure in high school national exam (This is for those who intend to choose an associate degree program.)

· Copied ID card (Optional)

· Copied family book (Optional)

(Download Application form)


Application Procedures 

Students should discuss their plans for study at the Institute with their guidance counselors as early as possible to establish realistic goals and program selections. The Institute also provides advice to students so that they can choose the real skill that they need for their future life. SIBT admission counselors are generally ready to answer applicants’ questions. The applicants may call 088 936 2888. Students may enroll at the beginning of each semester as set by the Institute. 


All high school students who intend to study at SIBT can register to the department/college of their interest. At present, there are 3 specializations being provided at SIBT, namely business management, logistic management, and information technology.


After applying, students are required to take the entrance exam which is generally supervised by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports on a set date. In the entrance exam, students are required to pass all subjects assigned for them. If not, they will not be accepted. In addition, any student who does not appear in this entrance exam will not be accepted for registration as well.

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