• 2023-02-21
    On February 21, 2023, the opening ceremony of new students was held in SSEZ administration building, and SIBT happily embraced the new family members of the academic year 2022-2023 intake. Cao Jianjiang, the general manager of SSEZ, on behalf of SSEZ staff, joined the big event and delivered warm speech. He introduced the booming SSEZ industry park which now accommodates more than 170 enterprises and incorporates with around 30,000 Cambodian workers. The industry park contributes more than 50% of the Sihanouk provincial GDP and has become the Bread Earner and Golden Bowel of the local people. When mentioning the accomplishments, Mr Cao also expressed his heartfelt thanks to SIBT for the solid support in the human resources cultivation and supply to SSEZ’s development. At the ceremony, Li Chuanbin, executive president of SIBT intr...
  • 2023-01-29
    On January 29, 2023, in the announcement by The Ministry of Education of China, it was noted that SIBT had won one silver medal and one excellent medal in The First World Vocational College Skills Competition. It was a considerably precious achievement for our young SIBT and especially valuable for our young team of faculty and students. We knew the medals are forged with the team members’ sweat and perseverance. We are so proud of our team for their dedication and excellent performance. We all have a dream, and we can make it. We will not stop until make it true....
  • 2023-01-15
    On January 15, 2023, Chinese Spring Festival party was held with all the students and teachers in SIBT. All the participants were so happy and all smiles and signs were delivering the joy and excitement. Many beautiful and classic songs were all well prepared and perfectly performed in Chinese, Khmer or English. The dancers surprised the teachers and their pals with gorgeous traditional Khmer dances and musics. The two young and pretty new teachers of Chinese gave their virginal show of their brilliant voice with Chinese most popular songs and tightly attracted all the students’ eyeballs. The party created for all participants a happy and short time relaxation and a good chance to appreciate students amateur achievement and special skills development, which will encourage the students to foster new interests and grow up with a holistic personality....
  • 2022-11-24
    On November 24, 2022, the delegation of The Institute of Confucius of Royal Academy of Cambodia, led by the Directors of Wang Feng and Taing Mengchhong, visited SIBT. Li Chuanbin, the executive president of SIBT extended a warm welcome to the guests and made introduction of the Institute. The guests expressed high respect and appraise of SIBT’s significant achievements and contribution to the human resources supply and training of SSEZ industry park. Both parties had a deep discussion over the cooperation and exchange in the Chinese language teaching and Chinese international proficiency test. More cooperation is to be expected in the development of human resources for the SSEZ enterprises....
  • 2022-09-05
    In September 2022, under strict measures for protection and prevention against Covid-19, the staff of SIBT announced the recruitment policy for new students in the high schools of Preah Sihanouk province. They drove a long journey to over 20 high schools in Kampot and Takeo provinces and helped more high school teachers and students know the Institute's favorable full scholarship policy.  SIBT visited Hun Sen Metapheap High School SIBT visited Hun Sen Metapheap High School SIBT visited Hun Sen Metapheap High School SIBT visited Hun Sen Metapheap High School SIBT visited Hun Sen Metapheap High School SIBT visited Hun Sen Metapheap High School SIBT visited Hun Sen Metapheap High School SIBT visited Prey Nob High School SIBT visited Sihanouk High School SIBT visited Sihanouk High School S...
  • 2022-07-30
    In July 2022, SIBT recruitment group visited high schools in Kampong Speu province for two days. The group was introduced to the leaders, teachers, and grade 12 students face-to-face in the classrooms. They all showed great interest in our full scholarship policy, modern facilities, abundant work placement at the SSEZ industry park, and overseas study opportunities. Last but not the least, the most attractive advantage is that the students in SIBT, fully armed with Chinese language skills, will able to earn much higher salaries than the students from other universities without such abilities.   SIBT visited Kampong Speu Education Department SIBT visited Chambok High School SIBT visited Chambok High School SIBT visited Chanthnal High School SIBT visited Chanthnal High School SIBT visited Chanthnal High School SIBT vis...
  • 2022-03-26
    On March 26, 2022, Dr. Nith Bunlay, Deputy General Director of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS) of Cambodia visited SIBT. On behalf of the Higher Education Department, Dr. Bunlay appreciated the approval from MoEYS to SIBT on the curriculum standards of 6 majors and 137 courses syllabus of SIBT, and congratulated SIBT on its substantial achievements in the development of quality standard. He hoped that SIBT would firmly implement the teaching standards, strengthen quality assurance, open up more majors, raise more Chinese and Cambodian educational resources, and develop SIBT into a major higher vocational education institution in Cambodia and a wide bridge of cultural cooperation and exchanges betwe...
  • 2022-03-25
    On March 25, 2022, the delegation of Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Technical Education Development (SEAMEO TED), led by Director Dr. Ai Songheang, visited SIBT. SEAMEO TED is one of the 26 SEAMEO centers, which is based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It assists SEAMEO member countries in identifying technical education problems and finding alternative solutions for sustainable human resource development through technical education. Li Chuanbin, Executive President of SIBT, introduced to Dr. Songheang Ai and the guests the profile and achievements of the Institute and expressed expectations to strengthen the cooperation and connection between SIBT and other vocational education institutions through the support of SEAMEO TED....
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