• 2023-08-13
    On August 13, 2023, a fine day with blue sky and white clouds, SIBT organized a teamwork extension trip for all the teachers and students in Kirirom National Park in Kampot province. All the members of the team were very excited and vigorous in the long journey. They enjoyed the almighty and brilliant beauty of the endless well protected vast jungle forests with endless giant green trees. Nature is the mother and protector of human beings, and it is only through proper use, sustainable development, and effective protection of the natural environment that human beings are able to enjoy a ever lasting green home. In the protection activities, teamwork is essential and fundamental....
  • 2023-08-06
    On August 6, 2023, after previous communication and exchange, Oneplus New Material Technology Co. Ltd and Ruito Wire and Cable Co. Ltd signed MOE with SIBT and opened a new page of cooperation between education and production parties. Until now, SIBT has built up close cooperation relationships with more than ten enterprises in SSEZ. We hope more and closer connection with enterprises in SSEZ will mutually promote our two parties in economic and educational development.    ...
  • 2023-07-27
    On July 27, sponsored by China Asian Cooperation Fund, the refrigeration system maintenance training for one month commenced. Mr Shen Xueming and Mr Sun Wanfu, professors from Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce, Wuxi, China, gave a brilliant instruction and training to 28 trainees recommended by 7 companies and factories in Sihnoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ). This was a free training program and won great credit and comments from the trainees. They mastered a package of special knowledge and skills for maintaining different types of refrigerators. They were really grateful to the Chinese professors for opening a new useful way for them to earn a living. Even during the training, some trainees had bought a set of devices and equipment so that they can do some odd jobs on weekend to increase their income. They all expressed high aspiration for more...
  • 2023-06-22
    On June 22, 2023, the Chinese Dragon Festival, all the teachers and students are very excited in the celebration of the big event. They shared the culture of the day with a noble honour to QU YUAN, a very famous integrated patriotic poet and senior official in War Kingdom period in BC 278, who ended his life in a river with a profound love and concern for his mother country, Chu State. The knowledge about Zongzi, the Chinese traditional popular food for the day, was taught by Chinese teachers. The teachers demonstrated the general skill in Zongzi making and the students showed their delicate crafts work in making Cambodian Zongzi. Festivals are important human civilization legacy and important treasure to share between different cultures, which imply virtues and high values to enlighten and inspire all the successors....
  • 2023-06-06
    On June 6, 2023, the management team of SIBT paid a visit to The SSEZ Power Plant Co. Ltd, Campico Global Flooring Co. Ltd, and Oneplus New Material Technology Co. Ltd in the industry park of SSEZ. The team visited the workshops of these companies and had a wide and deep talk with the managers and directors over the cooperation possibilities between two sides. Now many  students of SIBT are recommended and working in these factories. More cooperation will be expected in students cultivation and work placement, as well as the fostering in-service human resources of the companies....
  • 2023-06-03
    On June 3, 2023, a professional and timely lecture on the prevention and treatment of major infectious diseases was delivered by two doctors from Wuxi People’s Hospital, Wuxi, China. The doctors were Liu Jie and Wang Ni, who came and stay in Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone as aiding volunteers to help the locals in Cambodia. Students learned fundamental knowledge of the major diseases and their prevention ways, including tuberculosis, pneumonia, HIV, and hepatitis. Such programs will raise our students’ alertness to the protection from the potential diseases and leave a much more safer living environment in SIBT....
  • 2023-05-22
    On May 22, 2023, SIBT warmly received the delegation of Wuxi municipality leaders led by the chief of publicity department, Li Qiufeng, and the major media press from Wuxi city. Li Chuanbin, the executive president of SIBT made introduction of the Institute, accompanied the guests and showed around the campus. The guests highly appraised the substantial accomplishments made by SIBT and expressed the intention of more care and concern.
  • 2023-05-22
    On May 22, 2023, SIBT received groups of guests from China’s leading media society and Wuxi Municipality. Reporters from Chinanet, China Daily, Beijing Business Today, Time, China Youth Daily, Wuxi Broadcast and Television News Center, Wuxi Daily, and the like interviewed Li Chuanbin, the executive president of SIBT. In the interview, Li Chuanbin reviewed the long birth of SIBT in the past decade which commenced early from the establishment of Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) Vocational Training Center in April of 2012. The center was built up under the collaboration of Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce (WXIC) and SSEZ in the same site of SIBT in SSEZ industry park, which was the very beginning of the cooperation between the two partners. In 2015, sponsored with WXIC and SSEZ, nine excel...
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