• 2023-11-17
    On November 16, 2023, SIBT held a ceremony for the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Sihanoukville Institute of Business and Technology, and the celebration of the 11 th anniversary of Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone Training Center (SSEZTC). H. E. Sann Vathana, Under Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), Cambodian, Fan Manjiang, Counsellor and Head of Sihanoukville Consulate Office of China Embassy in Cambodia, Dr Nith Bunlay, Deputy General Director of Higher Education Department of MoEYS, Mem Sary, Secretary General of Higher Education Department, Seng Vanda, representative of Sihanouk Provincial Education Department, Dr Zhang Zhixiang, Principal of Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce (WXIC), China, Li Shuxian, Executive General Manager of Sihanouk...
  • 2023-11-15
     On November 14, Li Chuanbin, executive president of SIBT, together with the delegation under the leadership of Zhang Zhixiang, Principal of Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce, the parent school and major investor of SIBT, visited National Technical Training Institute (NTTI). Peng Lakhena, deputy director of NTTI, met with the visitors. The two parties made mutual introduction and understanding through the visit of the labs and research centers. Both of the parties expressed a strong intention for further communication and looking for possible collaboration....
  • 2023-11-15
    On November 14, 2023, the delegation of Sihanoukville Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT) visited the China Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and was met with by Chang Jian, Minister-Counselor of China Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. At the meeting, Zhang Zhixiang, the Party Secretary of CPC of Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce introduced the development achievements in academic standard construction, students’ development in Knowledge and skills, the services to the industries in SSEZ, cultural exchange activities that SIBT has contributed to the society and economy of Cambodia. Li Chuanbin, Executive President of SIBT introduced the main challenges and overall blueprint of SIBT. Chan Jian inquired in detail about the management and operation of the school with high comments. ...
  • 2023-10-30
    On October 30, Fang Qunying, the successful entrepreneur, technique supervisor of Qunying Floristry Company in Cambodia, gave a brilliant instruction of skills over flower arrangement. Fang Qunying first introduced the major flowers and materials to be used for the sample flower clusters as well as the procedures of the arrangements. In only several minutes, two well designed bunches of flowers were magically formulated together for standing and hand holding purposes respectively. This lecture is the practice of SIBT to expand students interest in life, especially to find out, appreciate and eventually create beauty in ordinary life. This is also one of the attempts to extend the extra-curriculum activities in culture and life....
  • 2023-10-10
    On October 20, 2023, a lecture titled with Strengthen the Executive Power to Improve and Build an Efficient Team was delivered by Associate Professor Chen Huabei, Vice Dean of Economic Management School of Taizhou Polytechnic College (TPC), Jiangsu, China. The lecture attracted more than twenty managers and directors from the industry park of Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone and won a positive response and high comment. TPC is one of the ten more partner universities and colleges in China who have joined the cooperation programs with SIBT.   ...
  • 2023-09-29
    On September 29, 2023, all the faculty and students took part in a happy and warm party in celebration of Chinese Mid-autumn Festival. The party venue was decorated with Cambodian and Chinese national flags, beautiful lanterns, and craftwork light baskets. Many students have prepared Chinese and Cambodian popular songs and graceful traditional Cambodian dances. Mid-autumn festival is the classic happy occasion for family reunification which is one of the roots for Chinese strong faith for the unity of their family and nation. This love and passion for home is the tough band binding family members together, no matter how near or far they live....
  • 2023-09-19
    On September 19, 2023, Hoeurng Thunchomrernvey and Hang Udoummony were invited to join the Youth Training Camp in Jiangsu, China. They enjoyed one week training program with leadership knowledge instruction and Chinese culture, established a good friendship with a group of young college and university students across the Asian countries, got a quick glimpse of huge China through the tour of Nanjing, Capital of Jiangsu Province, Changzhou, Suzhou and Shanghai. What is most valuable is that the training broadened their sight of view and insights of different cultures, inspiring their aspiration to explore the world from this first step forward....
  • 2023-08-16
    From August 7 till August 15, the recruitment promotion team of SIBT paid series of special visits to the high schools in the provinces of Sihanouk, Kampot, Takeo, and Kampong Speu. In the schools, the teams tried to meet 12 year students face-to-face, gave students a precise and clear picture of the advantages of our school. In brief, SIBT has four key benefits for students which are not provided by other colleges or universities in Cambodia. First, SIBT provides full scholarships for all registered students for their four year bachelor degree programs study. Second, students will enjoy a high-level faculty composed of Cambodian professors and Chinese peers. All the students can study in SIBT at night and work in SSEZ in the day which accommodates 175 companies and factories for students to choose easily. Thanks to their ability in Chinese language,...
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