SIBT Held Ceremony Celebrating 5th Anniversary of SIBT

发布于: 2023-11-17 09:45
阅读: 75

On November 16, 2023, SIBT held a ceremony for the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Sihanoukville Institute of Business and Technology, and the celebration of the 11 th anniversary of Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone Training Center (SSEZTC). H. E. Sann Vathana, Under Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), Cambodian, Fan Manjiang, Counsellor and Head of Sihanoukville Consulate Office of China Embassy in Cambodia, Dr Nith Bunlay, Deputy General Director of Higher Education Department of MoEYS, Mem Sary, Secretary General of Higher Education Department, Seng Vanda, representative of Sihanouk Provincial Education Department, Dr Zhang Zhixiang, Principal of Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce (WXIC), China, Li Shuxian, Executive General Manager of Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (Cambodia) Co., Ltd, Dr Fu Yufeng, President of Jiangsu College of Nursing (JSNC), China, and Li Chuanbin, Executive President of Sihanoukville Institute of Business and Technology participated the grand event. Dr Zhu Zhanglong, Vice President of WXIC and Chairman of the SIBT Board of Directors presided the ceremony. During the ceremony, distinguished guests delivered their congratulation on the SIBT’s achievements and contribution to the development of education, society and economy of Cambodia. All the guests also witnessed the unveiling of the two training centers established by WXIC and JSCN in Cambodia located in SIBT.

SIBT was approved by the government sub-decree 136 in October 31, 2018. SSEZTC was co-sponsored by WXIC and SSEZ in May, 2012 and had benefited up to 40,000 person time by the end of 2018. Now SIBT and SSEZTC are both playing important roles in production of skilled workers for Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone.


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