SIBT Started a New Recruitment Promotion in High Schools of Sihanouk, Kampot, Takeo and Kampong Speu

发布于: 2023-08-16 09:45
阅读: 12

From August 7 till August 15, the recruitment promotion team of SIBT paid series of special visits to the high schools in the provinces of Sihanouk, Kampot, Takeo, and Kampong Speu. In the schools, the teams tried to meet 12 year students face-to-face, gave students a precise and clear picture of the advantages of our school. In brief, SIBT has four key benefits for students which are not provided by other colleges or universities in Cambodia. First, SIBT provides full scholarships for all registered students for their four year bachelor degree programs study. Second, students will enjoy a high-level faculty composed of Cambodian professors and Chinese peers. All the students can study in SIBT at night and work in SSEZ in the day which accommodates 175 companies and factories for students to choose easily. Thanks to their ability in Chinese language, their salary is normally double higher than others, enough for their study and living, as well as supporting their family. Third, students will be free to live in the student dormitories on the campus which is really important for those from provinces far away. Fourth, students will be able to go to study in China with scholarships from Chinese partner schools of SIBT. In a word, SIBT offers very supportive conditions for all its students so that they can realize their dreams of high quality education, decent job and brighter future.


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