China’s Media Group Gathered at SIBT

发布于: 2023-05-22 09:45
阅读: 11

On May 22, 2023, SIBT received groups of guests from China’s leading media society and Wuxi Municipality. Reporters from Chinanet, China Daily, Beijing Business Today, Time, China Youth Daily, Wuxi Broadcast and Television News Center, Wuxi Daily, and the like interviewed Li Chuanbin, the executive president of SIBT.

In the interview, Li Chuanbin reviewed the long birth of SIBT in the past decade which commenced early from the establishment of Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) Vocational Training Center in April of 2012. The center was built up under the collaboration of Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce (WXIC) and SSEZ in the same site of SIBT in SSEZ industry park, which was the very beginning of the cooperation between the two partners. In 2015, sponsored with WXIC and SSEZ, nine excellent high school graduates from Sihanoukville were selected and dispatched to Wuxi for higher diploma program study. After the three year full time study, they completed their higher diplomas and returned to SSEZ as office staff. Now they all have become backbones in the communication and cooperation with Chinese partners in their work and businesses. They are excellent models of the students of SIBT. It is the mission to educate more high quality higher educational products for Cambodian development that SIBT was sponsored by the two partner investors and approved by Cambodian government in October, 2018. The new Institute also became the first Chinese sponsored higher institution in Cambodia featuring teaching in Chinese. To the satisfaction of all the stakeholders concerned, SIBT has been making utmost of its efforts to raise its students all the way and gradually enhancing their learning, life and mind. The new hopes, SIBT and its faculty and students, are working together all the way toward their brighter dreams.


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