SIBT Embracing 2022-2023 Year New Family Members

发布于: 2023-02-21 09:45
阅读: 19

On February 21, 2023, the opening ceremony of new students was held in SSEZ administration building, and SIBT happily embraced the new family members of the academic year 2022-2023 intake. Cao Jianjiang, the general manager of SSEZ, on behalf of SSEZ staff, joined the big event and delivered warm speech. He introduced the booming SSEZ industry park which now accommodates more than 170 enterprises and incorporates with around 30,000 Cambodian workers. The industry park contributes more than 50% of the Sihanouk provincial GDP and has become the Bread Earner and Golden Bowel of the local people. When mentioning the accomplishments, Mr Cao also expressed his heartfelt thanks to SIBT for the solid support in the human resources cultivation and supply to SSEZ’s development. At the ceremony, Li Chuanbin, executive president of SIBT introduced the Institute to students, especially the interpretation and connotation of the Institute’s mottoes-share, industry, bold, true. Mr Li urged that all students plant their own seeds of dreams for their personal development, value every second and seize all the chances to master knowledge and skills, and never abandon the precious opportunity of higher education. After the assembly, all the faculty and students paid a visit of the sand model of SSEZ industry community, the tremendous development achievements and grand blueprint and thrilling prospects of the park gave students strong touch and a deep impression. A new life full of a bright expectations and possibilities has lied in for the young runners. Hello, young players, never stop your steps and SIBT will see you are the best.  


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