Deputy General Director of the Higher Education Department of MoEYS of Cambodia visited SIBT

发布于: 2022-03-26 00:00
阅读: 47

On March 26, 2022, Dr. Nith Bunlay, Deputy General Director of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS) of Cambodia visited SIBT. On behalf of the Higher Education Department, Dr. Bunlay appreciated the approval from MoEYS to SIBT on the curriculum standards of 6 majors and 137 courses syllabus of SIBT, and congratulated SIBT on its substantial achievements in the development of quality standard. He hoped that SIBT would firmly implement the teaching standards, strengthen quality assurance, open up more majors, raise more Chinese and Cambodian educational resources, and develop SIBT into a major higher vocational education institution in Cambodia and a wide bridge of cultural cooperation and exchanges between China and Cambodia.


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